Thursday, August 28, 2014


Somewhere along life's road, you were redirected. This isn't where you were meant to be.  Yet your destiny and direction calls to you, striking a call to your soul that longs to bring you Home.  In spite of the choices and turns you have made, your authenticity calls you out, draws you back.  There is a resonance, a harmonic that sings in the world, looking for you to intone by becoming who you were created to be.  It waits for you to realize that there is no other you, there is no other who can do what you do the way you do it.  There is a perfect place that you were created to be.  Can you hear it?

We are all a bit peculiar, eccentric in our thinking and unique in the connections we make mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  We each have a few strengths and oh so many weaknesses yet we don't see that we are not independent despite our many weaknesses.  We run on pride and fear; wanting to be independent and fearful of being exposed as needy or deficient.  It makes for a lonely interior life, this fearful hiding and drive to be self-sufficient.  It requires so much effort that we overlook that ringing harmonic that seeks our pure tone, that is our authenticity.

Ah, but we can't back track or start over again.  We can only move in a linear fashion forward.  Some of us carry heavy baggage.  We will make it to our destination with courage and helping one another.

That Resonance may only be a distant sound to you as though it was echoing across a mountain range or pinging across the ocean, but it calls you.  You will not be whole until you find it's source and stand in it's full clear wave.

So here we stand, covered in that which is not you, imitating that which is someone else, listening to others tell you who you should be and what you need to be happy.  Like waking from a dream you crash to earth, aware that life is not but a dream, and discover how far your imagination has taken you from the truth.

See your authenticity as undressing yourself, casting off the expectations and image management, all the masks.  Tear down the facade that is your pride.  Stand naked without these things and take a hard look at yourself.  It is hard, I know; our weaknesses were well disguised.  But the next part is harder: allow others to see you naked- expose yourself to others who will walk with you.  Rebuilding and healing from your emaciation and nakedness to a healthier and wholly authentic you.

That is where we are going...

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